How to open an existing Rails project in IntelliJ IDEA

As described here, the proper way to open an existing Rails site in IDEA is:

  1. File -> New Project
  2. Create project from scratch (Next)
  3. For “Project files location” choose your Rails application directory, or a parent directory
  4. Leave “Create module” checked, select “Ruby Module” as the type”, and make sure the “content root” & “module file location” is set to the root of your Rails application (Next)
  5. Ensure your Ruby SDK is configured (Next)
  6. Ensure “Ruby on Rails” is checked, and fill out the appropriate settings under “Use existing Rails application” (Finish)

I have used this approach successfully in IntelliJ IDEA 11.0.2 and 11.1.3

If you don’t see Ruby as an option for the module type, ensure you have installed the Ruby plugin.

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